Baby and Toddler First aid for parents

Crucial for any parent or carer who wants to be prepared to respond to an emergency involving a baby or child in their care.

This comprehensive course equips you with the vital knowledge and skills to recognise and manage a life-threatening situation, providing you with the confidence to act swiftly and effectively.

suitable for parents, parents, parents-to-be, grandparents, friends, family, NCT groups, babysitters and anyone else who looks after your child

  • award winning 2 hour course

  • fun and practical

  • hands on training

  • includes training for burns, bleeding, fevers, choking, resuscitation, Meningitis, CPR and much more – see a list of all topics covered here

  • babies under 1 welcome at all classes

Cost of class – £30 per person 

We can come to your home or you can join us at a local venue. Alternatively, we are running ‘venue’ and ‘home classes’ via Zoom.

Through hands-on practice and expert instruction, you will learn how to assess the emergency situation, perform CPR, and utilise an AED to restore a heartbeat. Deal with choking, concussion, Anaphylactic shock (allergy), Seizures

By mastering these life-saving techniques, you can make a significant difference in someone's life.

Who’s this course for?

Parents to be or current, grandparents, Nannies, after school carers.

Course duration?

1.5 to 2 hrs